If you are not entirely satisfied with the goods you have chosen, returning an item(s) is quick and easy. You have 30 days from the date of receipt to return the item(s). If you return products in accordance with our return policy, we will be happy to offer you an exchange or, if you prefer, a refund. The condition is that the products must be returned new, complete, in perfect condition, unused, unwashed, and with the original packaging, in a condition suitable for sale.
You can return items outside the standard period if they are defective. We recommend checking the product care information and instructions provided with the purchase to avoid issues.
The return of an item is at your own cost unless the item is defective.
If your order has arrived damaged, please send an email to [email protected], and our colleagues will assist you further.
Our return policy applies in addition to your legal right to cancel an order and does not affect your legal rights regarding defective or misdescribed products.
To return a product, follow the steps below:
- Log in to your account in Order History.
- Find the order containing the products you want to return.
- Print and attach the return receipt after the return has been approved.
- Allow 1-3 business days to validate the return request.
- Send the product/products you want to return via courier.
Upon receiving the returned products, our team will check their integrity, and if everything is in line with our return policy, they will approve the return.
The final step involves refunding the value of the returned products, sending an exchanged product (if agreed upon with you), or creating a credit note in your account for future purchases.
You can track all these steps in the Product Returns section of your account.
If you do not have an account, please send an email to [email protected] stating your intention to return the order or part of the ordered products, and our team will guide you through the steps to complete the return.