Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow
Merino Wool Pillow

Merino Wool Pillow

This Merino Wool Pillow is the ultimate luxury and comfort.

It comes with a 100% Organic Cotton Casing Fabric and 100% Pure Merino Wool inside.

The filling consists in layers of batting wool folded to form a perfect sleeping surface. This way of placing the wool inside prevents the faults that may occur in time when the filling becomes uneven.

The initial elasticity is comparable to that of a pillow filled with down and feathers. Over time, however, the pillow becomes orthopedic: the filling compresses to take the shape of the body, providing good and healthy support. Its weight-supporting capacity remains the same, even though it has lost some volume and the ability to return to its original shape.

A tip to still keep some of the original pillow volume: shake the pillow every few days, gently squeeze it, and then release it to add air to the filling.

  • Soft
  • Medium
  • Firm
Pillow Size
  • 40x40 cm
  • 40x60 cm
  • 50x60 cm
  • 60x60 cm
  • 50x70 cm
  • 65x65 cm
  • 70x70 cm
  • 40x80 cm
  • 50x80 cm
  • 80x80 cm
  • 30 x 50 cm
VAT included

How to choose your perfect pillow?

Before choosing your pillow and its level of firmness, you should consider three things:

  • The position you sleep in every night: on the stomach, on the back or on the side?
  • Your stature: are you the mignon type or are you rather tall and stout?
  • Shoulder width: are your shoulder rather narrow or rather broad?

You should know that the majority of people prefer a pillow with medium firmness. However, check below which pillow suits you best based on the criteria above.


You are the mignon type - choose between soft and medium. Check also the sleeping position and you’ll reach the best result.

You are the stout or tall type - you can choose between medium and firm. Check also the sleeping position and you’ll reach the best result.

Sleeping position

1.You sleep on the back: choose a pillow with medium firmness. However, if you are the type whowants to feel a higher pillow underneath their head, or if you have broad shoulders, choose a firm pillow.

2.You sleep on the stomach: you should definitely choose a soft pillow. However, if you prefer a bettersupport for your head, choose a medium pillow.

3.You sleep on the side: choose a firm pillow. However, if you have broader shoulders, choose amedium pillow.

The level of firmness of each Valeria Home pillow in the Merino wool range
Firmness low
Firmness medium
Firmness high

Good to know: Pillows with 100% natural filling, without polyester added in the filling, like all Valeria Home pillows, do not remain elastic once you start using them. They compress when you start using them, adapting to your stature and sleeping position. They continue to provide healthy support for your head and neck.

Instructions: Air in the sun at the turn of each month. Spot cleaning only. Pillow wool batting should not need cleaning, just air regularly to retain freshness.

Spring Autumn
Filling Material
Merino Wool
Rated 5.00 on the scale 1 - 5 based on 18 customer reviews
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Super Quality

Hello! I received the products yesterday. They are very good, super quality, as I expected. Thanks ! A beautiful day!<br /> Bonjour! J'ai reçu les produits hier. Ils sont de très bonne qualité, super qualité, comme je m'y attendais. Merci ! Une belle journée!<br /> Ciao! Ho ricevuto i prodotti ieri. Sono molto buoni, di ottima qualità, come mi aspettavo. Grazie ! Una bellissima giornata!<br /> Hallo! Ich habe die Produkte gestern erhalten. Sie sind sehr gut, super Qualität, wie ich erwartet hatte. Vielen Dank ! Ein schöner Tag!<br /> Bună ziua! Am primit produsele ieri. Sunt foarte bune,calitate super,așa cum de altfel mă așteptam. Mulțumesc ! O zi frumoasa!<br /> Γειά σου! Έλαβα τα προϊόντα χθες. Είναι πολύ καλά, σούπερ ποιότητα, όπως περίμενα. Ευχαριστώ ! Μια όμορφη ημέρα!<br /> Здравейте! Получих продуктите вчера. Те са много добри, супер качествени, както очаквах. Благодаря ! Прекрасен ден!

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The pillow is extremely good in all respects.<br /> L'oreiller est extrêmement bon à tous égards.<br /> Il cuscino è estremamente buono sotto tutti gli aspetti.<br /> Das Kissen ist in jeder Hinsicht extrem gut.<br /> Perna este " bestială" de bună, din toate punctele de vedere.<br /> Το μαξιλάρι είναι εξαιρετικά καλό από κάθε άποψη.<br /> Възглавницата е изключително добра във всяко отношение.

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I am very satisfied with this product. It is soft, ensures comfort during sleep.<br /> Je suis très satisfait de ce produit. Il est doux, assure le confort pendant le sommeil.<br /> Sono molto soddisfatto di questo prodotto. È morbido, offre comfort durante il sonno.<br /> Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit diesem Produkt. Es ist weich und sorgt für Komfort im Schlaf.<br /> Είμαι πολύ ικανοποιημένος με αυτό το προϊόν. Είναι απαλό, εξασφαλίζει άνεση κατά τον ύπνο.<br /> Много съм доволен от този продукт. Той е мек, осигурява комфорт по време на сън.

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Special pillows

The quality of the products cannot be evaluated more than superlatively! Light, warm in winter, cool in summer, do not sweat, do not create itching, allergies! I recommend trying them, you will be surprised how quality they are!<br /> La qualité des produits ne peut être évaluée que superlativement! Léger, chaud en hiver, frais en été, ne transpire pas, ne crée pas de démangeaisons, d'allergies! Je recommande de les essayer, vous serez surpris de leur qualité!<br /> La qualità dei prodotti non può essere valutata più che in modo superlativo! Leggero, caldo d'inverno, fresco d'estate, non sudare, non creare prurito, allergie! Consiglio di provarli, rimarrai sorpreso di quanto siano di qualità!<br /> Die Qualität der Produkte kann nur überragend bewertet werden! Leicht, warm im Winter, kühl im Sommer, nicht schwitzen, keinen Juckreiz verursachen, Allergien! Ich empfehle sie auszuprobieren, Sie werden überrascht sein, wie gut sie sind!<br /> Calitatea produselor nu se poate evalua mai mult decat la superlativ! Usoare, calduroase iarna, racoroase vara, nu transpiri, nu creeaza mancarimi, alergii! Recomand incercarea lor, veti fi surprinsi cat de calitate sunt!<br /> Η ποιότητα των προϊόντων δεν μπορεί να αξιολογηθεί περισσότερο από υπερθετικά! Ελαφρύ, ζεστό το χειμώνα, δροσερό το καλοκαίρι, μην ιδρώνετε, μην δημιουργείτε φαγούρα, αλλεργίες! Προτείνω να τα δοκιμάσετε, θα εκπλαγείτε πόσο ποιότητα είναι!<br /> Качеството на продуктите не може да бъде оценено повече от превъзходно! Леко, топло през зимата, прохладно през лятото, не се потете, не създавайте сърбеж, алергии! Препоръчвам да ги изпробвате, ще се изненадате колко качествени са!

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Far superior to down, I'm not talking about microfiber. Soft, fluffy, firm enough and smells bestialy! Worth every penny!<br /> Bien supérieur au duvet, je ne parle pas de microfibre. Doux, moelleux, assez ferme et sent la bestialy! Vaut chaque centime!<br /> Di gran lunga superiore al piumino, non sto parlando di microfibra. Morbido, soffice, abbastanza sodo e ha un odore migliore! Vale ogni centesimo!<br /> Weit überlegen gegenüber Daunen, Ich spreche nicht von Mikrofaser. Weich, flauschig, fest genug und riecht bestialisch! Jeden Cent wert!<br /> Cu mult superioare celor din puf, nu mai zic de microfibra. Moi, pufoase, suficient de ferme și miros bestial! merita fiecare banut!<br /> Πολύ ανώτερο από τα κάτω παπλώματα, Δεν μιλώ για μικροΐνες. Μαλακό, αφράτο, αρκετά σφριγηλό και μυρίζει υπέροχα! Αξίζει κάθε δεκάρα!<br /> Далеч по-добър от пух, не говоря за микрофибър. Мека, пухкава, достатъчно твърда и мирише зверски! Заслужава си всяка стотинка!

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